What we DO

In addition to the United Kingdom and Ireland, one particular focus is investing in existing prime real-estate assets in Central and South Eastern Europe which may form part of Special Situation assets such as Non-Performing Loans.

Revival have formed strong relationships and work closely with a range of European Banks, major corporations and State Owned Agencies and in conjunction with strategic investors are looking to acquire assets and portfolio’s through CESEE. Typical transactions are between 18-36 months from start to finish with a value of between €25 - 100m.

Revival have a proven track record of investing in emerging regions and sectors ahead of market trends, securing early market positions and allowing for higher IRR’s. This early entry approach enables us to determine timing, exit and disposal strategies in conjunction with the market factors and conditions.


Central and Southern Eastern Europe

Since 2003 the senior management of Revival have been active in the region in both investment and real estate development. Significant and landmark investments and developments have been successfully completed in Poland, Romania, Croatia & Czech Republic. 

The combined value of these investments are in excess of 100m Euro and include a wide variety of projects and asset types including residential, mixed use and commercial income producing assets such as office and retail.

Central and Southern Eastern Europe

Since 2003 the senior management of Revival have been active in the region in both investment and real estate development. Significant and landmark investments and developments have been successfully completed in Poland, Romania, Croatia & Czech Republic. 

The combined value of these investments are in excess of 100m Euro and include a wide variety of projects and asset types including residential, mixed use and commercial income producing assets such as office and retail.

Other Regions

For over 35 years a wide range of projects have been completed in Ireland, the United Kingdom and Central Europe.

The investments including all forms of commercial property, residential, leisure and public sector partnerships.

The combined vale of both the investment and development projects is in excess of 250m Euro

Other Regions

For over 35 years a wide range of projects have been completed in Ireland, the United Kingdom and Central Europe.

The investments including all forms of commercial property, residential, leisure and public sector partnerships.

The combined vale of both the investment and development projects is in excess of 250m Euro